Making a Local Difference…
Friends of the Fox has a dedicated Board of Directors constantly working towards the goal of improving the Fox River and its waterways. The 2023-2024 season has seen a refreshing of goals, an implementation of modern communication tools and an injection of energized members. We look forward to advancing developments towards the goals of River enjoyment in tandem with water & wildlife protection.
Our Board is constantly striving to fulfill the goals of the Friends of the Fox organization, as well as the goals of our members. Community minded individuals that care about the Fox River’s water quality (and boating, fishing, paddling, encouraging & locating waterside restaurants, Birding/Nature Spotting) are welcome to become members. Please contact us with any questions and consider joining Friends of the Fox.
The Friends of the Fox Board and Members are not afraid to get down in the trenches and make things happen.
Past Community Projects:
- Fox Wisconsin Heritage Parkway Project
- Water Trail Portage Project
- Appleton Trestle Trail Project
- River Clean-ups
- Lock Tenders House Restorations
- Portage Project in Fox River
- Omro Pavilion
- Award-Winning Cartography Project
- Organization Partnerships
- School Grants